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Category: Farming + Roasting

Coffee-Chaff-Collected in Machine

What Is Coffee Chaff And What Can We Do With It?

There’s a growing concern about sustainability when it comes to the coffee supply chain, those within the industry are constantly looking at ways to improve, streamline production and utilise waste product. Repurposing coffee chaff is one way we can do this, and is a small, yet important step in promoting

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The origin of Geisha Coffee

Geisha Origins: Geisha or Gesha?

The history in which coffee is steeped in is as important and complex as the country in which it originated from, Ethiopia. Ethiopian coffee production dates back dozens of centuries and the historic and cultural impact coffee has had on the world is central to the way we have become

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Coffee Processing email Header

Coffee Processing: The Different Methods Explained

Before the beans reach your grinder, there’s a long, unique journey that they go on. We’ve heard the term ‘Farm To Cup’ lots of times, but what does it actually mean? In this article we’re going to break down the initial steps that the beans take, from harvesting, all the

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Coffee From Around The World - The Bean Belt Thumb

The Bean Belt – Coffees from Around the World

  Millions of people around the world drink coffee every day. But do you ever think about where coffee comes from? Which countries make it and how is it grown and produced? If you would like to have a good answer ready next time someone asks you ‘where does coffee

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